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Foreign demand is price stability - Pakistan cotton yarn exports Textile information - Textile net - Textile integrated service provider

by:Chengyi     2020-06-20
Continued strong demand in the latest week, Pakistan cotton yarn, cotton price is very strong, cotton prices continue to rise. Polyester staple fiber prices temporarily stabilized, after rising early factory further increases in profits, 1. 4 d polyester staple fiber prices lasts 1. $45 / kg, with imports of Chinese polyester staple fiber prices dropped to 1. $16 / kg, polyester staple fiber prices may check up in Pakistan. Affected by high prices for domestic cotton, Pakistan's domestic cotton prices rose slightly. It is understood that the current Pakistani cotton ginning mill inventory rarely, new flowers listed to wait until July. Although domestic mills raw material costs continue to rise, but because of foreign demand insipid, cotton export prices remained stable.
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