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Indonesia's national standard will not stop the inflow of imported textiles and garments

by:Chengyi     2021-03-15
The proposal to extend the Indonesian National Standards (SNI) does not allow textile imports to enter Indonesia, said an expert in the Indonesian textile industry.
Indonesia, with a population of 238 million, is the fourth largest consumer market in the world. The decline in demand in the Western market has prompted the government to be concerned that imported textiles may flow into Indonesia.
The Indonesian government plans to use non-tariff measures to stop the potential inflow of goods from other countries. The Indonesian National Bureau of Standards (BSN) proposes to issue 40 new mandatory standards in 2012, covering textile products and other products.
These standards will be independent of the existing 7000 standard values. Among them, about 1,000 industrial standards are applied to a variety of textiles and clothing, including fibers, yarns, fabrics and home textiles.
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